自1991年开业以来, 灵芝素食馆以富有创意和精良的出品而吸引了越来越多的追捧者。
过去, 素食馆多采用面筋和豆类制品。如今, 灵芝素食馆采用的是最好、最新鲜的自然以及有机食材。这类食材有益健康, 富有营养, 而且有助养生。
灵芝素食馆的巧厨们, 烹制任何一道菜品,都力求精益求精, 在确保呈献方式美观的同时, 运用最适宜的烹饪技巧, 以最大限度地保留食品的原本滋味和营养价值。说易行难。只有历经多年实践探索, 经验丰富的厨师才能达到这一境界。
无论您是食素食主义者, 还是为了追求健康的生活方式, 或者别具特色的美味, 接下来的内容, 将让您 领略趣味盎然而又多姿多彩的灵芝素食馆美食天地。
Pure and Original
Chinese Vegetarian Gourmet Cuisine at LingZhi consists of innovative and quality dishes which have kept many coming back for more since 1991.
Gone is the conservative style of preparing vegetarian dishes with mock meats. In its place is a range of dishes filled with wholesome goodness and tonifying fare, prepared from the finest and freshest ingredients. We use a selection of premium and organic produce from our specially-contracted farms to bring you cuisine at the best quality.
Each dish is meticulously prepared to ensure that not only is it well presented, the original taste and nutritional values are sustained as well. This is no small feat, achievable only by chefs who have honed their culinary skills over several years of hard work.
So whether you follow a vegetarian lifestyle or are simply looking for healthier, tastier options, the following pages welcome you to the exciting culinary world of LingZhi Vegetarian.
Restaurant Info
Media Reviews

Best Vegetarian Restaurant

Best Vegetarian Restaurant

Best Vegetarian Restaurant

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